Real Steel Wiki


Name : Antares , "The Lounge Robot"


Antares is Serious!

Generation : 3

Owner: Antares84

Bot type : Lightning Bruiser

Ranking : W:2:1


Antares is a G3 robot , he is a very good combination of power , speed and bruiser . He is from France and he has won a lot of tournament around the world and recently, he has become the new WRB champion after a terrible battle against Zeus. Now, Antares is ready to win more and more titles in the WRB.


Antares is constituted by a Tagma body, Tetra head, Bear's fist and Berserker's arms. His colors are a combination of blue and white and his generator is red.


Antares is a very calm robot who analyzes only the situation before the attack. He is never arrogant against his opponent. But, once the combat begins, Antares has no mercy against the other robot and tries to destroy him the fastest possible. Before the fight, Antares will always follow a lounge style music. It is the reason why he is called "The Lounge Robot"


  • His original build was a standard type.
  • By the look of his appearance, he is made in Japan at tokyo.
  • Outside the WRB battle, Antares is present like a dancing/barman/receptionist robot in a wonderful high tech lounge nightclub in Miami.
  • The name Antares is an easter egg from a great lounge/chillhouse music that the owner loves.